Getting Organized in 2021

2021 has started with a bang. I’m here to tell you it is possible to start the new year off with a new plan to get organized that actually works. I’m proof of this idea! It wasn’t that long ago that I was constantly showing up late to meetings and never able to find where anything was - Mom, no need to comment below; I admit it was bad. Here are a few tips and actions that I have adopted over the years that I swear by.

“A place for everything and everything in its place”

One of my favorite YouTubers, Sarah Therese, is a minimalist and soon to be mother of four. Whenever people ask her how she can keep everything together, she responds with, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” It’s so true! If you have a pile of stuff that you have pulled out to make dinner, you clean the items once dinner is over and put them back. You know where each item goes into your kitchen. The same concept can be applied to your bathroom, nightstand, office, etc. Ensure that everything has a home and always return it home when you are done with it.

Wall Calendar

While I have trimmed down my number of paper items significantly due to all of my moving, a wall calendar is an item I can not give up. Having a visual reminder helps keep my whole household on track with major events, birthdays, and holidays. The most important thing about wall calendars I have found is not to fill them up too much. You want them to be high-level views of really notable plans that someone can glance at and gain critical information from. If you start putting detailed information, the big stuff ends up lost in the sauce, and your gorgeous wall calendar becomes a wall poster that your family passes by.


Using an Apple Watch

I used to be anti-Apple watch but mine has been such a wonderful addition to my wardrobe. Wearing my Apple watch I am able to track all my workouts, including my long daily walks to do errands, mindfulness minutes, how much time I am standing, and more. Prior to getting my Apple watch I was walking everywhere only to come home and workout because I ‘hadn’t worked out all day’. Tracking my steps allowed me to see that I was already burning a ton of calories and a thirty-minute cardio session was not needed. How has this kept me organized? With the knowledge of how much I am asking of my body, I can plan my days better. Did I walk 15,000 steps today? Ok, then tomorrow is a great day to work on my Instagram posts. My time is more effectively used and my body thanks me for it.


No matter how good we think our memories are it is ALWAYS better to write items down. This can be done in a physical notebook or using one of the 100s of apps available for download. Personally, I find that having a physical notebook to write down everything has helped me stay organized. There are two notebooks I am currently using. One is a bullet journal - covered in the next section- and the other is a generic lined notebook. This generic lined notebook holds grocery lists, Spanish words I hear, and want to look up later, important notes from conversations with my friends i.e. my friend’s last day at her job, as well as brainstorming maps for my blog. I have found this invaluable and a great way to clear my mind to focus on life in front of me.

Create Your Own Bullet Journal

Now we are down to the meat and potatoes of how I stay organized as a woman that is constantly changing locations. I began bullet journaling last year simply because I could not find a planner that had the things I wanted in it. Since adopting a bullet journal, my days are more laid out and I can keep track of the things that are important to me. Here is how I have laid mine out for 2021.

First off is the title page. 2021 is made to look like a banner in a very plant friendly home. I then have a year overview. You can make these yourself but I found these great stickers at a stationery store here in Chile. The months and days are in Spanish and I thought it was perfect for this year. Then I have my word of the year ‘Overcome’. Every year I do the Dayspring ‘Word of the Year’ quiz (you can take the quiz here). It really helps me set the focus for the year ahead. Then I have the year in review at a higher level i.e. birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.

Then I have a road map drawn over two pages. This is a map that I will fill in throughout the year with any trips I take - you can see I already wrote Puerto Varas in January - as well as documenting when I move. This will be really helpful when I go to do my year in review in December.

Next is my 2021 reading challenge. I really keep my books tracked on the Goodreads app. I find the tools there to be the most useful and the recommendations to normally be spot on. Here I have space to write the first ten books I read this year to help keep me working towards my goal. This year I am hoping to read 21 books in 2021.

Opposite my reading list is my New Years Resolutions. In the past, I made about 20 resolutions in various categories but this year feels different. It feels like we all need to be kinder to ourselves. With that in mind, my resolutions are here to easily reference and remind myself of the ways I want to better myself in the new year.

Lastly is my monthly spread. Here is my January calendar overview, compliments of the stickers I purchased. Opposite that page is my first 30-day challenge of the year - to sketch every day. Every month I hope to do a different 30-day challenge and document it uniquely. On this page, I am coloring each box as I sketch. Then I have my two-line a day journal. I used to be an avid journaler, writing pages every night. Nowadays, I find that two lines help me remember the highlights and the things I do that really add to my life.

On my weekly spreads, I write the time I get up, when I go to bed, and any appointments I have made. At the bottom, the boxes are where I write what I wore that day. This is extremely helpful when it comes to moving. I can comb back through my journal and see what the pieces are in my closet that I am truly using. Even if you aren’t moving, it is extremely eye-opening to see what you are and are not using in your closet.

My last section is for notes. I like to keep these separated into what is personal and what is for my blog. Above, you can see that I did a masterclass pitching your brand. This is where I keep more formal notes. It’s great to have that sort of information all in one place to reference whenever you need it. As I mentioned earlier, I have a second grab all notebook for brainstorming, writing grocery lists, etc.


Perhaps most importantly is to make time for you. This doesn’t have to be putting on a Norah Jones playlist and drawing a bath that you do a facial while soaking in. It absolutely can and if you have the time and ability to do those things, then treat yo self! Unplugging from the day can be as simple as spending 30 minutes looking through Instagram, or setting aside a certain amount of time to read in bed, or time set aside to play your favorite game. Personally, my guilty pleasure is reading the Daily Mail on Snapchat. It takes me about 15 minutes to get through it, and I truly enjoy that time. I zone out of my reality and into English tabloids. Whatever works for you, don’t deprive yourself. We all need to take time to re-center at the end of the day.

Do you already implement any of these to stay organized? Which item seems the most easily adaptable to your life? I am always on the hunt to maximize my 24 hours and keep life together while doing it. Leave your tips in the comments below! I would love to read what works for you.

Cheers to a very organized 2021!


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